Last night was the culmination of a 1.5 year journey towards taking a picture of Saturn. The press was all atwitter about it being "Supermoon" night, so I felt obligated to try and get some shots of the moon as well. I did a composite of 13 different shots (300 stills each so 3900 total images) and aligned them this morning.

I'm pretty proud of the final shot and you can tell it's the real deal due to a chunk missing in the lower left corner :)

I thought it'd be neat to take a closeup of where we first set foot on the Moon.

Here is my first shot at Saturn - made up of 1500 stills stacked with Registax and tweaked with Photoshop.

Second attempt - the camera is set to Overexpose, but all other settings were defaults (then tweaking w/ photoshop again)
My equipment is the following:
- Orion XT 10 Classic Newtonian Refractor (10")
- Orion Atlas EQ-G (German Equatorial Mount)
- Orion Starshoot Solar Imager IV (camera) - basically a powerful webcam that's built to use in a focuser (instead of the eyepiece). The closest visual approximation I have is an EP around 6mm.
- Notebook computer running EQ-MOD
- Gamepad to control the scope from the eyepiece (atop a step ladder... man that mount is tall)
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